Vanuatu Australia Education Support Program (VAESP) Support
The central focus of VAESP is supporting the Ministry of Education and Training to improve education delivery in schools.
With increased community and parental engagement and by strengthening devolved management in provinces, schools can provide accessible, quality education for children (K-6).
Vanuatu Australia Education Support Program (VAESP)

End of Program Outcome 1
More children (girls and boys, including those with disabilities) are enrolled and attend the right year of primary school at the right age.
- Strengthen inclusive education
- Increase involvement of school communities
- Improve school infrastructure
- Strengthen response to disaster

End of Program Outcome 2
Students achieve improved literacy and numeracy outcomes (measured at Years 4, 6 and 8).
- Strengthen teachers’ management
- Strengthen teaching and learning
- Strengthen assessment, monitoring and reporting
- Strengthen curriculum materials

End of Program Outcome 3
MoET has implemented devolution at provincial and school levels, strengthening reporting and data systems to inform planning, implementation and decision making to improve student learning outcomes
- Strengthen data, information and knowledge generation
- Strengthen policy direction, planning, management and accountability systems
- Strengthen school management and leadership